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Results for "main_practice: "Hospitality", latest_content: 1"
A Prayer for Victims of Religious Hostility God of All Nations, we pray that you will send your healing balm to those who have been the victims of religion-related violence, mob prejudice, harassment over attire, or other religion-related abu…
Rethinking Self-Checkout The automated teller machine was invented in 1967 and the self-service till appeared in 1984. By 2013, there were over 200,000 in stores throughout the world and by 2021, there could be well over 32…
Inhospitable to Human Beings In this sad and scary article on, Allegra Kirkland charts the rise and expansion of "defensive architecture" which is being used as a security measure around government buildings, and s…
Practicing Democracy with Zion Real Estate I first came across Zion Real Estate when I was living in the Seattle area and was looking for reputable agents who would have the community’s best interests in mind. When I met the founder, Derek…
Civility Brushed Aside "America has always harbored virulent strains of coarseness and cruelty and political campaigns are customarily bitter mudslinging affairs," writes Teddy Wayne in an article in The New York Times. H…